A great feature of the Digital File Manager is the way each user can set up their own preferences for what is shown on the main search screen. If you’re using workflows, you may have a lot of useful info located in user-defined fields. Now you have the option to include that info on the main search result screen. This eliminates the need to open each PDF and click to view the comments and user-defined fields.
To customize your screen display, click on the PREFERENCES tab in the command ribbon. To change what is displayed on the main search page, click display columns.
In the screen shot above, you see a list of available fields which include all user-defined fields. Simply click on the fields and the button Add> to the currently displayed columns that you want to see on the main search result page. You can even determine the order in which they appear by moving the fields in the Currently Displayed Columns up or down.
In the example below, the Heat Number was added to displayed columns.

Another way to customize your usage of the Digital File Manager is to create a list of your most commonly used folders in My Favorites (found under Preferences). In the screen shot below, pick the folders you use the most from the Available Folder list and click the Add> button. Now if you use My Favorite Folders on the search screen list of folders, you’ll have all your most used folders.
As always, if you need help with any functions, contact support. We’re happy to help!