Personalization—You Can Have It Your Way!

A great feature of the Digital File Manager is the way each user can set up their own preferences for what is shown on the main search screen. If you’re using workflows, you may have a lot of useful info located in user-defined fields. Now you have the option to […]

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Announcing the New Net.DFM Upgrade

This fall we’ll be announcing a brand new Digital File Manager (Net.DFM).  We’ll be highlighting some of the upcoming changes in the next few newsletters. Latest Technology from Google This new Digital File Manager will be a Single Page Application (SPA) written in Angular, a Google technology.  In a worldwide […]

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Available Online

Available Online Not on the road, but available online if you’re a member of P21 World Wide User Group. We’ll be doing a webinar “Document Management Improvements for Accounting and Customer Service” through WWUG on June 12 at 2 pm. You must be a WWUG member to join. Not a member? Contact us […]

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On the Road

On the Road If you’re going to TribNet, Tribute’s user meeting for Tribute and TrulinX software, stop by and say hi to Ellen Richard. The meeting is in Cleveland June 20-22. Ellen will be presenting “Automate Document Management; Focus on Your Bottom Line” during a breakout session. Hope to see you there.

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Using Email and Your Phone\’s Camera

ENet Docs ( and Net.DFM) offers multiple ways to put documents into your system: print from a virtual printer, any network or standalone scanner, incoming faxes, and via email. Many customers use the email function to add incoming payable invoices, customers’ orders and correspondence, and info on manufacturing orders and […]

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Workflow Do\’s and Don\’ts

Earlier this month at the TUG meeting for Infor users, Ellen Richard from our office gave a presentation on “Workflow Do’s and Don’ts” that was very popular. We thought it would be a good list to share. The Digital File Manager’s workflow process can ensure the right documents are going […]

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6 Reasons to Move Net.DFM to the Cloud

With 7 years of experience and over 25 Million pages of documents, here’s some of the top reasons you should move your Net.DFM installation to the Cloud.   Disaster Readiness These days disasters come in many flavors:  floods, fires, and ransomware to name a few.  Preparing your business to survive […]

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Reasons to Consider Document Management in 2018

5 Good Reasons to Consider Document Management in 2018 Technology is increasingly helping us transform the way we do business for decades now. There was a time, not too long ago, when communication with clients or vendors relied on time consuming phone conversations. Even internal communication was a challenge and […]

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Enlighten.Net, Inc. Welcomes New Developer

We are excited to welcome new talent to our development team!  Kyle Stratoudakis has joined us as a Software Developer and will be working closely with Ray Hrdy, our head of development. A graduate of Southern Connecticut State University, Kyle brings with him hands-on experience developing an enterprise application using the […]

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